Corner Stone Safety

Written Company Policies

Cornerstone Safety understands that in today’s litigious society that  unclear, informal and/or non‐existent company policies are a thing of the past. While “fair and equitable” treatment of employees is the law, it is very difficult to prove your company adheres to that standard when company policies and
procedures are not written and worse yet, boilerplate policies retrieved from the internet, unrelated to your specific industry.

Employers often erroneously believe that the employment at‐will premise will override any need for employment policies and/or procedures. However, not all employment decisions involve termination.

Additionally, without clearly written employment policies, you can forget about fighting claims for unemployment benefits. If the employer cannot provide a clearly written policy to show that an employee was aware of the policy, understood it and its associated infractions; the employee will win every time.

If you’re lucky enough to avoid being dragged into court, consider the other ramifications of not having clearly written policies. Managers and supervisors actions and decisions become inconsistent leading to employee morale problems, conflicting messages and lack of productivity.

Eliminating, or at the very least reducing confusion, is the ultimate goal. Thus, putting expectations, policies, procedures and consequences in writing, is a highly useful tool for accomplishing that goal.

Cornerstone Safety provides “Written  Company Policies” or as part of a customized Safety and Training program for your company.

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